Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Income Tax Table for Financial Year 2011-12

Annual Net Income from all sources (After all permissible deductions)
Income-tax rates (in Rs.)
Upto Rs.1,80,000/-
Rs. 5,00,000
10% of the amount exceeding Rs.1,80,000
= 32,000 + 3% education cess Rs.960 = 32,960
Rs. 8,00,000
Rs. 32,000 + 20% of amount exceeding Rs.5,00,000
= 92,000 + 3% education cess Rs.2760 = 94,760
8,00,000 & Above
Rs.92,000 + 30% of amount exceeding Rs.8,00,000 + 3% education cess on net income tax payable

Note: Slab for Women (below 60 age) begins from 1,90,001 & Slab for Senior Citizen begins from 2,50,001

1 comment:

  1. Good Information. I looking for my Income Tax Slab rates finally i got from this post in which my income is lying and what amount will be taxable. Thanks for giving details about Income Tax Slab rates.
