Monday, 23 January 2012

JEEVAN ANKUR Plan Illustration

For example if an insurance of Rs 10lac is taken in LIC JEEVAN ANKUR by the proposer then

 a) in case of death of the proposer, Rs 10lac (in case of normal death ) and Rs 20lacs (in case of accidental death) will be given to the child immediately and

 b)future premium will be waived also

 c) Rs 50,000 per annum will be given to the child for educational expenses per annum on the policy anniversary till the end of the term and also

 d) the maturity amount of Rs 10lac along with the bonus (loyalty) amount will be given to the child.

Tax Benefit : Premium paid in this policy is 100 % tax free under section 80C and the maturity will also be tax free under section 10 (10D)

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